Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Welcome to my Bolivia blog!

This project is an attempt to chronicle my 7 months in Bolivia--what promises to be a whirlwind of new sights, smells, and experiences. I thought I would share some of the most interesting cultural and culinary tidbits I pick up along the way, all while paying special homage to the potato, South America's alimentary legacy to the world (hence the name of this blog). Since 85% of my diet here will consist of root vegetables and other carbohydrates, I figured I'd make the most out of this predicament by trying a new potato-based recipe every week, which I will share with you all if it turns out successfully. So sit back, relax, and prepare to look at starch in a whole new way.

1 comment:

  1. Wow jame this is amazing! I can't wait to see more and read more!!! Looks like your having fun. Can't wait to hear about the papa and what they do with it! LOVE!
